August 2024 Crafnant HR Newsletter

Inside this edition: How flexible is your business – and how we can help? Quiet vacationing: mouse wiggling for a better work-life balance Smoking at work: are HR professionals more likely to light up? 3 main causes of poor mental health at work Your questions answered.

July 2024 Crafnant HR Newsletter

Inside this edition: Why you should have a handbook – and how we can help. Will HR teams using AI create unease and distrust? Silence is not golden: over half of UK job-seekers do not hear back. Flexible working: how you can keep it on your terms. Your questions answered.

June 2024 Crafnant HR Newsletter

Inside this edition: Everything you need to know about menopause in the workplace Easing the Work-Life load for Deliveroo drivers A pain in the neck (and back) for UK Workers How to celebrate Pride Month without corporate “rainbow washing”

May 2024 Crafnant HR Newsletter

Inside this edition: Improving your employees’ mental health 20% of neurodivergent workers have experienced workplace discrimination There are 4 types of organisational culture. Which does your business have and does it need to change?

April 2024 Crafnant HR Newsletter

Inside this edition: URGENT ACTION REQUIRED: Four BIG employment law changes coming into effect in April 2024 Your own oxygen mask first? 5 ways to reduce stress in your business

March 2024 Crafnant HR Newsletter

Inside this edition: This is one of the most powerful tools you can use as a business leader 35% of employees are looking to change jobs 3 actions you should take to create a more inclusive workplace for women Plus, we answer your pressing HR questions

February 2024 Crafnant HR Newsletter

2024 is well underway, and we can rejoice because we’ve all survived January, the longest month of the entire year! 🥳  In our February newsletter we’re sharing everything you need to know from the HR world, including…  🫥 Why you need to take absence management seriously  🙅 How to spot sexual harassment and violence inside… read more